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NSW Stamp Duty Exemption for Small Businesses

The NSW Government legislated for small businesses (with an annual aggregated turnover of $2 million or less) to be exempt from paying NSW stamp duty on certain types of insurance effected on or after 1 January 2018.

These include: 

  • Commercial vehicle insurance – for a motor vehicle used primarily for business purposes

  • Occupational indemnity insurance (or professional indemnity) – covering liability arising out of the provision of professional or other services (other than medical indemnity insurance). This does not apply to Medical Malpractice Policy and only the D&O component of the Management Liability policy is exempt, therefore 1% of the stamp duty charges is exempt.

  • Public and product liability insurance – covering liability for personal injury or property damage occurring in connection with, or arising out of the products or services of, a business.

  • How much does comprehensive car insurance cost?
    The cost of your comprehensive car insurance policy depends on a range of factors, including your age, location, driving history, your vehicle’s make and model, and whether you keep your car in a garage or not.
  • What is comprehensive car insurance?
    With comprehensive insurance, you’re covered for everything from a car crash to a hail storm (note: some exclusions apply – please refer to the PDS for terms and conditions).
  • What is third party fire & theft car insurance?
    Let’s break down the name ‘third party fire & theft’ to show you exactly what you’re covered for if you take out this insurance: Third party – this is cover for any damage or loss that your car or motorcycle causes to another person’s vehicle or property (some exclusions, like driving under the influence, apply) Fire – this is cover for your car if it’s a write-off or damaged as a result of fire Theft – this is cover for your car if it’s stolen or damaged in an attempted theft. Your keys are covered, too.

©2025 EZ GROUP PTY LTD ABN 38 169 397 326 


EZ Group Pty. Ltd. T/As EZ Insurance Services (CAR 460120 | ABN 38 169 397 326) Corporate Authorised representative of Community Broker Network Pty Ltd | AFSL 233750 | ACN 096 916 184

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Community Broker Network Pty Ltd t/as Community Broker Network (CBN) are members of NIBA. As an Authorised Representative of CBN (CAR 460120), we subscribe to the Insurance Brokers Code of Practice.  
The code is a statement of the industry’s commitment to high levels of competency, training and customer service.  It also ensures that there is a free and transparent complaint and compliance review process which imposes binding sanctions for any breach of the Code.  It is designed to promote better and more professional, informed and effective relationships between insurance brokers and their customers.  To view a copy of the Code, click here.


Compliance Information:

Company address: Level 3, 81 Flushcombe Road,  Blacktown NSW 2148

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